Photo Challenge – Lens-Artists- Delicate Colors

This week our theme is “delicate colors”.  

Because of the Coronavirus, the daycare for my four year old grandson is closed so Granddaddy and I have been playing Bingo, Candyland and Chutes and Ladders.  We’ve been to the beach, ridden bikes, gone for walks and read what seems like countless books during afternoon rest time and at bedtime. (Wouldn’t change it for anything!)


Yesterday we went to Ripley’s Aquarium.  We got there early to avoid any crowd and to  maintain social distancing .  Luckily, there were only about 20 other people there – a nice change from our visit last year when a school field trip was in process.


The colors may not look delicate but the colors are due to the lighting in the tank.  The jellyfish are actually virtually transparent and invisible to the eye. 


They are also deadly.  A sting can cause mild to severe pain and sometimes death.  So as mesmerizing as I find these creatures, I do not want to meet them in the ocean.  A glass partition is fine with me.

Hubby likes this last photo so much that he wants to hang it over the fireplace.  I haven’t made up my mind yet.  What do you think?DSC_4640

You can see responses from other bloggers here

You can find more of my photography here – photographyinpearls,