Photo Challenge – Lens-Artists: Spots and Dots

Our prompt this week is to have fun showing off our dots and spots.

One of my favorite hobbies now is writing children’s books for my grandchildren. I’ve given them as Christmas gifts and I’ve listed them on Amazon too. I’m having so much fun doing them and while it would be nice if I made a little money when a book sells, I really don’t care because I’m having fun! FYI, I can’t draw at all but using Adobe Illustrator, I can actually draw now. Isn’t technology wonderful?

I’ve just finished my fifth book. Four are on Amazon now, the fifth is in printing and I’m working on the sixth. The title is Carter Goes to the Aquarium. It started with a visit to the aquarium with my youngest grandson who was 4 years old. I take photographs the entire visit and I use them as a starter for my illustrations.

There are over 33,000 different types of fish in the world and I think we saw some of the most beautiful. Their colors are so vibrant and varied, it’s astounding and some are so unusual, I couldn’t help but wonder what in the world??? The photos below are examples.

And if you look at them long enough, you notice that they are watching you too. Seriously, this one stayed close to me and I felt like he was giving me the evil eye.

Below is an image from the new book. If you’d like to check out the book when finished, follow me for an announcement.

If you’d like info on my current books, you can find them on Amazon.

When Gigi Comes to Visit –

Annabelle Dances –

A Boy Named Mickey –

Carter Goes To Space –

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Photo Challenge – Lens-Artists: Favorite Images of 2020

This week our challenge is to share our favorite images of 2020. Unfortunately, I didn’t have as many to pick from as in previous years. I only had 4,700 images this year compared to over 20,000 in 2019. And from reading posts from other bloggers, we all had the same issue. Covid 19 and the lockdown prevented vacations and other activities that would have resulted in many more photos.

These first photos were taken in our yard. We have several bird nests around the property but this was the first time I’d gotten a photo of the mockingbirds feeding. The osprey managed to catch a squirrel for dinner in our yard and didn’t seem too happy that I was taking photos.

It should come as no surprise that the majority of my 4,768 photos was of this little guy. He spent some time with us and we managed a trip to the beach once the beach lockdown was over. This is the top of my list for most favorite picture for 2020. I even had a personalized cover made for my cell phone so I get to carry him around all day.

So to keep from going completely bonkers with nothing to do, I’ve taken a couple of online classes through Skillshare and Udemy to learn how to draw on my laptop using Adobe Illustrator. The first picture below was inspired by a trip to the aquarium while the second was a class project. They are short lessons, I’ve learned a lot and I totally recommend Skillshare and/or Udemy. It’s a wonderful creative replacement when I can’t use my camera.

You can see responses from other bloggers here:

You can find more of my photography here:

Photo Challenge – Lens-Artists- Delicate Colors

This week our theme is “delicate colors”.  

Because of the Coronavirus, the daycare for my four year old grandson is closed so Granddaddy and I have been playing Bingo, Candyland and Chutes and Ladders.  We’ve been to the beach, ridden bikes, gone for walks and read what seems like countless books during afternoon rest time and at bedtime. (Wouldn’t change it for anything!)


Yesterday we went to Ripley’s Aquarium.  We got there early to avoid any crowd and to  maintain social distancing .  Luckily, there were only about 20 other people there – a nice change from our visit last year when a school field trip was in process.


The colors may not look delicate but the colors are due to the lighting in the tank.  The jellyfish are actually virtually transparent and invisible to the eye. 


They are also deadly.  A sting can cause mild to severe pain and sometimes death.  So as mesmerizing as I find these creatures, I do not want to meet them in the ocean.  A glass partition is fine with me.

Hubby likes this last photo so much that he wants to hang it over the fireplace.  I haven’t made up my mind yet.  What do you think?DSC_4640

You can see responses from other bloggers here

You can find more of my photography here – photographyinpearls,


Photo Challenge : Lens-Artists “Different”

This week Tina has challenged us to present something different than our usual photos.  My usual photos are everything connected to this beautiful place I live – the beach, the flowers (something is blooming all throughout the year), the art at Brookgreen Gardens and the beautiful and temperamental birds of the Lowcountry and other varieties that pass through on their yearly migration.  So I was having a difficult time deciding what to post.


Until today.  My oldest daughter and her family are here visiting and we took my 3-year-old grandson to the aquarium.  It’s been at least 10 years since I’d been and I had forgotten all of the beautiful colors.


And the fish are so fast!  A flick of their tail and off they go totaling messing up my shot.  These aren’t the best photos but they are a beautiful reminder of the fantastic day we had at the aquarium.


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You can see more of my photography here: